Movable Watermarks Please!
Watermarks are currently placed automatically in the lower right corner of images (and only images!) but they're unobtrusive and easily cropped out. Is there a way we can either manually move the watermark where we'd prefer for each image file or have more options for where and how they're placed? E.g., slanted across the center of the image.
Vishal Kadam
add Center position and upload image based watermark or raw file URL
Few more suggested watermark controls if possible to make a it difficult for AI-based tools to remove.
Multi-layered, Rotating or differently angled, color gradients and moderate contrast, Distorted Shapes
** Add "Random button" This could be a nice feature which can do the above variations of Watermark
Max Kushner
Max Kushner
Hey, we've implemented more Watermark controls - including custom positions (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right), and "Fill" option to protect the whole image!
Video watermarks are added into our roadmap.
Max Kushner I noticed. This is perfect. Thank you!